business principles

Randstad's business principles project a positive message, guide us to live up to our core values – to know, to serve, to trust; striving for perfection; and simultaneous promotion of all interests – and ensure that the needs of the world in which we work and our business and personal behaviour are aligned and reinforce one another.

Randstad is a signatory of the United Nations Global Compact and respects and supports its 10 principles with respect to human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption. The principles regarding labour are those outlined in the ILO declaration on fundamental principles and rights at work: freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining, elimination of all forms of forced or compulsory labour, effective abolition of child labour, and elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation.

We are committed to make the global compact principles part of the strategy, culture and day-to-day operations of Randstad and the 10 principles are therefore regarded as part of our business principles.

Randstad recognises that it also has a responsibility for its external relationships. In its interactions with its candidates, suppliers, customers and other business partners, Randstad strives to uphold the business principles and encourages our continued active dialogue with stakeholders in the world of work.

The business principles are our minimum standards but, in addition, we must always ensure that we comply with all laws, human rights principles and Randstad’s internal policies and procedures; no one is authorised to violate them. If the business principles conflict with local law then local law must be followed while striving to act in the spirit of the business principles. Some of the business principles will be outlined in more detail in separate Randstad policies and procedures as required.

our core values